PLEASE NOTE: DUE TO COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS OUR BREAKFAST PROGRAM IS NOT CURRENTLY OPERATING AS USUAL. Students who have not eaten breakfast at home will have access to a nutritious snack in their classroom at the start of the day.
Our Breakfast Program

Ruth Hooker School's Breakfast Program is a warm and inviting place for our students to make an all-important nourishing start to their day. Having a good breakfast is such an important part of every child's education.
Our program is open five days a week free of charge. The doors open at 8:15 a.m. and close at 8:45 a.m. We solely depend on contributions and grants to run the program. Some of our contributors and partners are Childhood Nutrition Council of Manitoba, The Upper Crust Bakery, Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen and Show Kids You Care. We are very grateful and appreciative of all food and monetary donations. Students are encouraged to assist with serving breakfast and cleanup.
Anyone wishing to Donate to the Breakfast Program may contact the office at 204-482-3614 - thank you for your support!