About Our School

Our Mission

We strive for the important things in life:

Friendship (buddies) Co-operation (sharing) Success (doing our best).

Our School Rule: Keep your hands and feet and unkind words to yourself.

Our School Philosophy: Our goal is to help all students grow and develop to their potential in academic learning, social skills, personal happiness and responsibility. As a school team we endeavor to foster:

  • A positive attitude and atmosphere that facilitates an excitement about learning.
  • A high quality program of academic, social and physical skill development.
  • A sensitivity towards students and their social-emotional needs and to provide appropriate support services where required.
  • The development of student responsibility and organizational skills with respect to themselves, their work habits and personal possessions.
  • A respect by students for themselves, for others, for property, and for the community in which they live.

Your support is needed to make these goals a reality!!

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to demonstrate integrity, ethical conduct, and academic honesty in all assessments, research, class work and homework assignments. Students must understand that the tests/exams they complete and the assignments they submit as evidence of learning must be their own work and that cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Aspects of academic honesty include copying others' work, using cheat notes, misrepresenting circumstances to obtain extensions, and submitting or representing someone else's work as one's own.

Four Golden Rules

  1. Be Kind
  2. Be Respectful
  3. Be Safe
  4. Be Productive