Code of Conduct


At Ruth Hooker School we are committed to providing quality educational programs and opportunities for our community of learners. We are committed to creating a safe and respectful learning environment to support and enable learners to develop the knowledge, skills and values to reach their full potential.

SAFE AND CARING SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT: As citizens, we share a responsibility to work together to provide school environments where all students feel safe and respected, thereby allowing them to reach their full potential. At Ruth Hooker School we endeavor to provide educational care and excellence for all students. We recognize there are socially acceptable standards of behaviour and accept responsibility to promote and maintain these standards in our school. Students, parents and teachers share the responsibility of creating a positive school climate. We believe in providing a learning environment that is orderly, supportive and safe.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are expected to demonstrate integrity, ethical conduct and academic honesty in all assessments, research, class work and homework assignments. Students must understand that the tests/exams they complete and the assignments they submit as evidence of learning must be their own work and that cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Aspects of academic honesty include copying others' work, using cheat notes, misrepresenting circumstances to obtain extensions, and submitting or representing someone else's work as one's own.

RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Students, parents, and LSSD staff have rights and responsibilities to adhere to.
